The following posts are a testimony to God speaking and using everyday things like TV commercials to speak to us. The first post was in late November 2018 and the second around April 2019 (I think). The two posts are connected.

  •  09-05-2021 08:42 PM

A couple of months ago, someone from work gave me a small knife. I'd never seen one quite like it before. It folded out like a knife but contained a razor blade, which I use for opening boxes. There was a name on the side. The name was Gerber. Immediately, Gerber baby food came to mind. I didn't know that there is a company called Gerber that makes knives. A few days later in Bible study, I was led to Genesis 22 where Abraham goes to sacrifice his child/son Isaac. Genesis 22:10 " And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son."

  •  09-05-2021 08:38 PM

Several years ago, while going to pick someone up for church, God gave me a vision. It happened at a red light. I just drifted off into a daydream while waiting for the light to turn green. My eyes were still open, but in the back of my mind I saw my friend Maxwell. He told me in the vision, “You're getting old Gabe.” The light turned green and I entered reality and got the car moving again. I said, “Thanks God,” though still unsure if this was a vision or just a random thought.

  •  09-05-2021 08:26 PM